Wind Walkers Medicine Wheel Services

Every month during the full moon, we gather in the medicine wheel to honor grandmother moon and all of our ancestors. Drums are played, songs are sung, dancing and offering of herbs take place. Each ceremony begins with smudging using white sage. All participants and instruments are cleansed and blessed. Honor to the creator, mother earth , the four directions and the present are given. Herbs such as sage, pine and sweet grass are used during ceremony. Reservations are required. There is an offering to cover for your drum and herbs

For this very blessed ceremony, the medicine wheel offers a unique space and surroundings. When entering the medicine wheel, you are entering into the womb of mother earth. Her embrace sets the stage for many blessings. Abe Daniels, steward of the Wind Walkers property, is an officiate who includes his native American culture for each wedding. For those who seek to express this memorable moment of their journey, there could not be a more unique space. This space can accompany up to 60 guests and the grounds can be used for your reception. Please call for an appointment to see the grounds. Blessings.

Guided meditations can be done one on one, or with a small group. You are guided through the meditation through relaxation and visualization. During the meditation you will encounter your animal guide who will take you on a journey. This meditation assists you in learning how to relax with breathing and letting each muscle release its stress. To help each one to open their mind to deceive your gift of the animal guide. The meditation takes approximately 45 minutes. There is an offering for this session.

Wind Walkers is an ideal place for your events. It is quiet, secluded and safe. Located with the Joshua Tree National Park as you background, you will enjoy peace and harmony. Whether it be for a teaching, a meditation, yoga , weddings, or other special events. Restroom facility and electricity are provided for you and your guests. As each event is unique of their own, pricing for each event will vary. Feel free to call and to share your event with us so we may determine the cost.

While taking the meditation trail, you will encounter 30 animal guides of the medicine wheel. Each guide has a lesson to tell. They each have their own gift. In the Native American tradition, it is said that when you encounter a four legged, a winged one or others, it is not that you were able to see them but rather they choose you to see them for they have something to tell you or share with you. They offer you to go on a journey with them, to find out what they do in their lives that might me missing in yours. Seating areas are placed along the trail for your comfort and meditation. The trail is approximately ¼ of a mile. It is recommended that you call to set a time so you may feel the entire experience at your own pace, without feeling rushed. There is an offering to help maintain the trail.