Groves Cabin Theatre Opening Night a Big Success!

The opening night of The Death of Bessie Smith and The Marriage Play was a sold out gala. After three years of being closed due to covid, the Groves Cabin Theatre opened in style. The audience was treated to a preshow spread. Many expressed their joy at having the Cabin back again. The love of local community theatre filled the air. The crowd consisted of new comers to the Groves as well as returning friends.

Throughout the preshow activities, the guests were excited for the Albee one acts. The renovations and additions to the theater were well received. The ability to again come together and experience theatre in this intimate and unique setting caused joy in many. Joy Groves was unable to make the night but she was there in spirit. The well wishes and good thoughts expressed for Joy were evident throughout the night. (She was overwhelmed with gratitude when she heard of this and wishes to thank everyone for their support) The lights finally flashed and the show was ready to start.

The Death of Bessie Smith was first. Based on the tragic story of Bessie Smith, a legendary jazz singer who died in a car accident. The audience was spellbound as the talented cast took them on a journey of discovery. At intermission they were visibly impacted. Many stated how intense and gripping the play was. They were drawn in from the very beginning.
The second play The Marriage Play started and kept the intensity up. This play covered the life of a married couple after 30 years of not so much wedded bliss. The audience was immediately wrapped up in this all too familiar story. It is easy to see ourselves in the struggle the couple on stage were going through. It was intense, captivating and well done were utter by many of the guests as they made their way to greet both casts at the end of the night.
This set of one acts is still going on for three more weekends and tickets are available. You can click on the link below or you can call Abe directly. It runs Friday and Saturday with the house open at 7pm and the show starting promptly at 7:30pm. There is also a Sunday matinee with the house opening at 2pm and the show starting at 2:30pm. Tickets are $25. We look forward to seeing you !